How To Bag Your Dream Job

Do you feel stuck in the normal 9-5 job routine? Are you in need of change?
Or maybe 2020 showed you that you want something new, more fulfilling and exciting?
As unrealistic as finding your dream job sounds, with the correct amount of preparation, persistence and time here’s a guide to help you get started!
- 1. Learn about yourself
Only you know what your best at, and the aspects of work that you enjoy more than others. Why not start by writing a list of things your good at within each of the different employment sectors you may be interested in. For example, if you feel that you have a creative mind, why not focus on jobs such as Architecture, Photography, Media, Advertising or even Interior Design? This is a process of elimination, by writing all these things down you can clearly see what your options are and what would be the most suitable, given your skills in order to get your dream job.
- 2. Don’t be put off by lack of experience
When applying for jobs, most people assess how much experience they have within their chosen sector. However, the whole point in deciding on what your dream job is and aspiring towards said job role, is to find out what experience you need. If you feel that you are not yet experienced enough, think about the duties in your current role, and how you can apply them to your dream job. Skills such as Client relations, IT, Sales and project management etc will take you far in most careers. As for the gaps in your career, these can be easily rectified. Why not take an evening course to strengthen your skills?
- 3. One step at a time
Any role you are unfamiliar with can be daunting. Before jumping into the deep end and immersing yourself completely in a brand-new career, why not start small. Baby steps, as it were. Do the research. Find out exactly what the role entails. Talk to family and friends to get their views on the role. Sometimes it helps to get an outsiders perspective. If you know anyone in a similar role, ask for their advice and perspective.
- 4. Any progress is good progress
You will find that in most places, people who come across extremely confident tend to stay in the same job, simply because they feel safe. Quite often, people do this as they are afraid they could be making a bad decision by leaving. If you feel as though this is something you are guilty of doing, assess whether or not you are truly happy in your current role. If the answer is no, why not start by making a small change? For example, emailing a networking contact or attending an event could move you closer to your dream job.
- 5. Have realistic expectations
There is a saying, we create our own luck. This is very accurate. Even if you are lucky enough to bag your dream job. There is no such thing as a perfect job. All job roles have their own unique ups and downs. A dream job doesn’t necessarily mean an easy job. Everything worth having in this world requires some effort. Everyone has those days where all you want to do is crawl back into bed and hide. However, in a role you are truly happy in, you will have many more days in which you feel energized and inspired by the prospect of work.